Bird Nest Recipes 燕窝食谱

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Rock Sugar Bird Nest


bird nest 20 gram; rock sugar 200 gram


1. Soak bird nest thoroughly with clean water for about 2-3 hours.

2. Take out the bird nest and cut into small pieces. Put the bird nest into a cooker pot. Add water until the water covers the bird nest.

3. Place the cooker pot in a boiling water wok. The boiling water level is about half the cooker pot.

4. Cook the bird nest for about 30 minutes at a temperature of about 80 degree Celcius.

5. Add rock sugar before consuming.



燕窝20克; 冰糖200克


1. 先将燕窝用清水浸透;白燕窝须浸泡2-3小时;血燕盏则须浸泡4-5小时.

2. 捞出燕窝切成小条,放入燉盅中,放入开水,水应刚盖过燕窝.

3. 把燉盅放在沸水锅中,沸水约及燉盅的一半.

4. 白燕盏用文火 (80 度)燉30分钟;血燕盏燉90分钟.

5. 加冰糖调味服用.

Gingko Bird Nest


bird nest 3-5 gram; gingko 50 gram; Matrimony vine 5 gram;

Chinese date (Chinese jujube) appropriate quantity;

banana 2 pieces; rock sugar appropriate quantity.


1. Remove foreign materials from the gingko. Tear it into small pieces. Steam for half an hour.

2. Put all the materials including bird nest into a cooker pot.

3. Place the cooker pot in a boiling water wok. The boiling water level is about half the cooker pot.

4. Cook the bird nest for about 30 minutes at a temperature of about 80 degree Celcius.

燕盏3-5克, 银耳50克,枸杞5克 ,红枣适量,香蕉2根,冰糖适量.
1. 除去银耳杂质,撕成小片,加清水,蒸半小时取出备用.
2. 将所有材料包括燕窝放入燉盅.
3. 把燉盅放在沸水锅中,沸水约及燉盅的一半.
4. 用文火(80度)燉30-45分钟便可食用.

American Ginseng rock sugar bird nest


bird nest 1-2 cups; American ginseng; appropriate quantity brown sugar


1. Put the bird nest and ginseng in a cooker pot.

2. Place the cooker pot in a boiling water wok. The boiling water level is about half the cooker pot.

3. Cook the bird nest for about 30 minutes at a temperature of about 80 degree Celcius.

4. Add rock sugar. Cook for another 5 minutes. Ready for consumption.



燕窝1-2盏, 花旗篸1钱,沙糖少许.


1. 将燕窝和花旗篸放入燉盅.

2. 把燉盅放在沸水锅中,沸水约及燉盅的一半.

3. 用文火(80度)燉40分钟

4. 加入冰糖,再燉5分钟,既可食用.