Legend Of Bird Nest 燕窝的耒原

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 Legend Of Bird Nest 

According to the legend, the first Chinese who ate bird nest is the Ming Dynasty Great Navigator, Zheng He.

In one of his long voyages, Zheng He's fleet encountered a thunder storm.

He and his fleet were forced to stop at one of the deserted Malay islands.

At that critical moment, there was a shortage of food.

Zheng He unintentionally found some bird nest cups on the cliff.

He instructed his crews to pluck, wash with clean water and cook the bird nests.

A few days after taking the bird nests, the crews appeared to have shining reddish face.

Obviously, it was the effect of the bird nests.

Zheng Ho brought some bird nests back to China and conferred them to the King, Ming Cheng Zhu.



 据说明朝伟大航海家郑和是中国第一个吃 燕窝的人.


当时,食物厳重缺乏. 郑和无意中发现在断崖峭壁上的燕盞.

于是命令部 下採撷,清洗后用清水炖煮. 船员食后数日,个个脸色红润,

很明显是燕窝进补的功效. 于是,郑和就带一些回去献给明成祖.